Here at Bird & Blend we value being sustainable and taking care of our planet. So Teabirds, we would love to share with you some super fun ways that you can reuse your matcha tins; whether you’ve built up your collection of tins overtime, or participated in our 12 days of matcha challenge, this post will be sure to inspire you with a 5 creative ideas to repurpose your marvellous matcha tins.
1. Matcha Lip Balm
If you’ve had the 12 days of matcha or tried one of our matcha starter kits we’re sure you’ll have more than a handful of our 5g pots laying around your home... we sure do! Our mini matcha 5g pots are perfect for creating your own lip balm or scrub. Check out our matcha lip balm recipe. You can use your favourite matcha flavour for this recipe or follow our step-by-step for an orange lip balm or a chocolate mint matcha lip scrub - yum!

2. Candles
Another wonderful way to reuse your matcha tins, particularly the bigger 30g ones, is to make your own candle. We like to melt our leftover wax from old candles, by pouring boiling water around the candle and letting the candle sit in the hot water until the wax has softened, then use a butter knife to get out. But please be cautious of the hot water and make sure it doesn’t get in the jar. You really can save money from purchasing your fave pricey candles!
3. Spice Tins
Sugar and Spice and all things nice: One way you can bring your matcha tins back to life is to use them to store your herbs and spices. A simple and effective way to store your condiments, especially if you are zero waste!
4. Arts and Crafts Pots
Now what better way to reuse your tins, than store your arts and crafts in. If you’ve built up a collection of tins, you can really make the most of this and pop all your bits and bobs together. We love that Teabird Eve transforms her old tins, to beautiful tins to store her beads, earrings and sequins!
5. Ornamental Lantern
You can creatively repurpose your matcha tins by punching holes into the tins to make a unique design and then place a tea light in. If you’re looking at a DIY gift, then this is a wonderful idea. It's amazing how far a little bit of creativity can go...
We also reward you when you bring in your matcha tins, tea tins for refill or use reusable cups. When you do one of these things, we give you 10% off your tea or drink! So, you can save money whilst saving the environment! What's not to love?!